Evaluating the Influence of Secondary Education Quality Improvement Project (SEQIP) on Quality Education in Public Primary and Secondary Schools in Kenya: A Case of Marigat Sub-County


  • Alfred Yator Komen School of Social Science, Department of Social and Development Studies, Mount Kenya University
  • Kefa Nyandoro School of Social Science, Department of Social and Development Studies, Mount Kenya University




Secondary Education Quality Improvement Project (SEQIP), Quality Education, Public Schools


In Kenya, many projects have been done in the education sector to improve the quality of education, and among these projects is the Secondary Education Quality Improvement Project (SEQIP). Since the SEQIP inception in 2017, much has been done in public primary and secondary schools and little has been reported.  The purpose of the study was to evaluate the influences of the SEQIP on the education sector in Marigat Sub-County in Kenya. A descriptive survey design was used where structured questionnaires alongside interviews were administered to the sampled respondents to collect the data which was analyzed using Excel. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies and percentages were used to summarize the data. The data were collected from 68 schools; 17 from each zone and 3 teachers from each school, all 4 curriculum support officers (CSOs) from each Zone, an SCDE, and a TSC Sub-County director which formed the sample size. The study found that the SEQIP project has helped in the improvement of quality as said by 73% of the respondents. The project also was found to have improved the rate of retention in classes 7 and 8 and also the transition to secondary school as said by 60% of the respondents. It was further established that 93% of the respondents agreed that the project has enhanced the adoption of new curriculum reforms. The study came to the conclusion that SEQIP made a significant contribution to the creation of curriculum designs and teacher training. The study suggests that the School-Based Teacher Support System (SBTSS) application in teaching should be monitored and reported on. The Sub-County education quality assurance officers should be tasked with checking the proper implementation of the training’s contents in school by the teachers.


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How to Cite

Komen, A. Y., & Nyandoro, K. (2023). Evaluating the Influence of Secondary Education Quality Improvement Project (SEQIP) on Quality Education in Public Primary and Secondary Schools in Kenya: A Case of Marigat Sub-County. African Journal of Empirical Research, 4(1), 219–226. https://doi.org/10.51867/ajernet4.1.20