Project Management Practices and Project Performance: A Case Study of Child Protection Project in Kamonyi District, Rwanda



Child Protection, Monitoring and Evaluation, Project Management Practices, Project Performance, Stakeholder Management


The main objective of the study was to examine the effect of project management practices on performance of child protection project. The specific objectives of this study were to determine the effect of risk management on performance of child protection project, to assess the effect of stakeholder management on performance of child protection project, to examine the effect of communication on performance of child protection project and to analyze the effect of monitoring & evaluation on performance of child protection project in Kamonyi district. The theories that guided this study were the theory of constraints, theory of stakeholder, theory of self-interest and realistic evaluation theory. The study employed the descriptive and correlational research design. The target population was 178 people including project coordinator, project donors, project team members and project beneficiaries. The population was small and accessible; therefore, the census method was used to collect data. When collecting data, the researcher used the questionnaire and interview guide. The collected data was analyzed using qualitative analysis based on the answers of participants and quantitative analysis using descriptive statistics, correlational analysis, regression analysis employing SPSS version 25.0. The findings demonstrate that R-value of 0.228 indicates a positive correlation between the predictors (stakeholder management, risk management, communication and monitoring & evaluation) and dependent variable (Project performance). Regarding to the predictors, the result indicates that the association between stakeholder management and performance of child protection project in Kamonyi district is positive and no significant effect (beta=0.041, p-value=0.561˃0.05). Further, the relationship between communication and performance of child protection project in Kamonyi district is positive and no significant effect (beta= 0.026, p-value=0.722˃0.05). Moreover, the relationship between risk management and performance of child protection project in Kamonyi district is positive and no significant effect (beta=0.030, p-value=0.673˃0.05). Lastly, the result shows that the association between M&E and performance of child protection project is positive and significant effect (beta=0.173, p-value=0.012˂0.05).overall, this study found no significant impact of stakeholder management, communication, risk management on performance of child protection project in Kamonyi district. However, there is significant effect of monitoring & evaluation on performance of a child protection project in Kamonyi district. The study suggests to Child Protection Project to include policies for protecting children from risks, improving communication skills for better interactions with children, working closely with parents and caregivers, and creating a monitoring and evaluation plan with experienced staff. Further, Kamonyi district should partnering with NGOs for quality child protection, understanding risks, developing strategies, and focusing on early intervention and family support services to prevent families from needing further assistance.


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How to Cite

Muteteri, J. N., & Dushimimana, J. de D. (2025). Project Management Practices and Project Performance: A Case Study of Child Protection Project in Kamonyi District, Rwanda. African Journal of Empirical Research, 6(1), 247–263.

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