Effects of Flexible Work Arrangements on Employee Performance among Non-Teaching Employees in Selected Public Universities, Western Kenya




Flexible Work Arrangements, Performance, Public Universities


Globally, workplaces face numerous challenges in enforcing flexible work arrangements for their employees, leading to burnout, dissatisfaction, stress, and poor performance. Generally, organizations have to develop strategies that retain attract, and improve performance. Malleable work arrangements have become significant in the current digital technology innovation ensuring employee performance. Specifically, the study assessed the effects of flexible work arrangements and performance among non-teaching employees in selected public universities in Western Kenya. Flexi-time and job sharing were used as construct measures and two theories: spill-over and social exchange were anchored. The study embraced philosophical research into positivism. The study used a cross-section survey research design. The target population was 3538, where stratified random sampling techniques were exploited. The Yamane’s formula calculated a sample size of 343 respondents. The questionnaire and interview schedule were utilized as collection instruments. A pilot study was examined at the University of Eldoret. A Cronbach’s alpha tested the reliability of instruments. Validity was tested using content analysis and expert Judgment validity. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 27. Descriptive statistics - frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations- and inferential statistics - Pearson’s correlation and regression analysis- were used. Interview data was analyzed using content analysis and expert judgment. The findings of the study disclosed a strong positive evident relationship between flexible work arrangements and performance (t-statistic=22.385, p-value=0.001< 0.05). The study recommends that public universities and governments embrace flexible work arrangements and develop policies to safeguard public employees and other companies.


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How to Cite

Andeyo, L. M., Otuya, W. I., & Misigo, G. (2024). Effects of Flexible Work Arrangements on Employee Performance among Non-Teaching Employees in Selected Public Universities, Western Kenya. African Journal of Empirical Research, 5(3), 214–228. https://doi.org/10.51867/ajernet.5.3.21