Effects of collaborative management of shared natural resources on inter-state relations in the Horn of Africa


  • Edward Leonard Waithaka
  • Waweru Kellen Wanjiku
  • Mutisya David Nzioka




Collaborative Management, Shared Natural Resources, Inter-State Relations, Horn of Africa


The management of shared natural resources by Horn of Africa states exerts both positive and negative effects on inter-state relations in the region. On one hand, inability to collaboratively manage these resources for the common good of all states involved risks a trigger to interstate conflict in the region. Conversely, effective and collaborative management of these shared natural resources can provide good avenues for these states to cement their relations for the common good of all parties involved. In line with each state’s national interests, huge amounts of capital are spent to develop and protect the resources in the Horn of Africa region. However due to lack of clearly defined policies and inadequate management strategies these resources have been mismanaged and as a result led to conflict, food shortages and environmental problems. The search for aid constantly puts the states in a dilemma, over how to benefit from the resources, creating mistrust among the nations. As a result, numerous effects of these shared resources get to emerge, affecting the interstate relations what could be identified to be the ‘tragedy of the commons.


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How to Cite

Leonard Waithaka, E., Kellen Wanjiku, W., & David Nzioka , M. (2021). Effects of collaborative management of shared natural resources on inter-state relations in the Horn of Africa. African Journal of Empirical Research, 2(1&2), 123–144. https://doi.org/10.51867/ajer.v2i2.36