About the Journal

The African Journal of Empirical Research (AJERNET) is hosted by AJER Publishing, a network of academic and research publishers headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya. AJER Publishing has a strong presence in the academic community, with a wide network of reviewers, editors, and contributors from esteemed universities, experienced researchers, and reputable research institutions globally.

Mission Statement

AJERNET aims to provide a dynamic platform for researchers, students, and professors with the view of facilitating access to the latest multidisciplinary literature, encouraging research reviews, and promoting the sharing of expertise among academics worldwide.

Scope and Operational Approach

Our focus is on multidisciplinary empirical research, meta-analysis, and systematic reviews from social, pure and applied science disciplines. AJERNET maintains high standards through a meticulous peer-review process to ensure that only top-quality research is published. We believe in open access to knowledge and all content is published on an open-access basis, allowing for unfettered access, distribution, and reproduction of published works, provided proper citation is given.

Global Reach

We distribute all published content to thousands of libraries worldwide, ensuring that research gains international exposure. We provide comprehensive support and guidance to authors wherever they may be throughout the publishing process. In cases where submitted work doesn't initially meet our publication standards, we offer assistance and time for revisions.

Submission Process

AJERNET accepts submissions on a rolling basis. We invite researchers to join us in advancing the frontiers of empirical research and multidisciplinary knowledge exchange.

Join Us Today

AJERNET welcomes authors to embark on their academic journey and get published. Our platform offers an opportunity to share research findings and contribute to the global body of knowledge.

Current Issue

Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): April-June 2024
					View Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): April-June 2024
Published: 2024-04-02


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