ICT Integration in Rwandan Education: A Scoping Review of Opportunities and Challenges




Information and Communication Technology (ICT), ICT Integration, Rwanda's Education System, Teaching and Learning


This review paper examines the opportunities and challenges of integrating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into Rwanda's education system. It aims to identify the potential benefits of ICT in teaching and learning, while also addressing the barriers that impede its effective use. Using the Diffusion of Innovation Theory, the study analyzes 17 publications from Google Scholar, ERIC, and Scopus, highlighting Rwanda's efforts to transition to a knowledge-based economy through substantial ICT investments. The review identifies key opportunities such as improved teacher professional development, enhanced learning outcomes, increased access to educational resources, better school administration efficiency, and support for inclusive education. However, challenges remain, including limited internet access, a shortage of skilled human resources, inadequate project governance, and insufficient maintenance of ICT equipment. To overcome these issues, the paper recommends increased funding for ICT device maintenance, expanded ICT training for teachers and students, enhanced regulatory frameworks for emerging technologies, and greater equity in access and awareness. These measures aim to close existing gaps and optimize ICT integration in Rwanda's education system.


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How to Cite

Mushimiyimana, J. B., Nzabalirwa, W., Ndayambaje, I., & Lazareva, A. (2025). ICT Integration in Rwandan Education: A Scoping Review of Opportunities and Challenges. African Journal of Empirical Research, 6(1), 225–234. https://doi.org/10.51867/ajernet.6.1.21

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