The Role of Spirituality, Cultural Traditions, and Personal Values in Corrupt Practices within Ghana’s Governmental Institutions



Cultural-Traditions, Corrupt Practices, Governmental Institutions, Personal Values, pirituality, Ghana


Spirituality, personal values, cultural norms, and traditional beliefs are essential to the everyday existence of Ghanaians. This paper is aimed at investigating the influence of spirituality, cultural-traditions and personal values on corrupt practices in Ghana’s Governmental Institutions. This study employed the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). This TPB is to examine how corrupt actions are influenced by the interaction of individual beliefs including spirituality or personal values, social influences such as traditional or cultural norms, and institutional practices. The study used both quantitative and qualitative approaches with questionnaires and semi-structured interviews to collect data. The paper employed a descriptive research design complimented by an exploratory design. With a target population of five thousand (5000) individuals constituting both managerial and non-managerial employees of the public services in Ghana. A non-probability sampling technique with a purposive and convenience sampling was adopted to select a sample size of three hundred (300) respondents.  Data was analyzed using SPSS Multiple Linear Regression model with a stepwise method. The findings of the study suggest that, corruption in the public office is a conduct that deviates from the normal obligations of a public role because of financial or status gains. Corruption is a prevalent occurrence in Ghana. People’s spirituality does not prevent them from being corrupt. People’s moral and ethical values never helped them to be free from corruption, whether Christian or Muslim does not matter people will still bribe and be corrupt every day in their public life. However, some respondents strongly argued that ‘the fear of God can help reduce corruption than ethics,’ ‘Spirituality, personal values, cultural-traditions and ethics influences the level of corruption. In the final model with an R2 of 25.9% all two predictor variables thus Spirituality or Cultural-Traditions and Personal Values on Corrupt Practices were statistically significant. In conclusion, the null Hypothesis that there is no positive relationship between spirituality or cultural-traditions and personal values on corrupt practices in Ghana’s Governmental Institutions was rejected. Hence, there is a positive influence of spirituality, cultural-traditions and personal values on corrupt practices in Ghana’s public institutions. The paper recommends that, establish and mandate training for all tiers of government personnel that underscore the need for honesty and integrity. Facilitate the reporting of misconduct in a secure and confidential manner. This system must have legislative protections to allow individuals to report misbehaviour without fear of retribution. Lastly, establish initiatives to acknowledge and motivate public servants for exemplary ethical conduct.


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How to Cite

Ataribanam, S. (2025). The Role of Spirituality, Cultural Traditions, and Personal Values in Corrupt Practices within Ghana’s Governmental Institutions. African Journal of Empirical Research, 6(1), 135–147.