Inter-Church Committee’s Role in Resolving Inter-Clan Conflicts in Rumbek East County, Lake State, South Sudan


  • Abraham Yel Nhial St. Paul’s University, Kenya
  • Dr. Teresia Wachira Wamũyũ St. Paul’s University, Kenya
  • Dr. Antony Odek St. Paul’s University, Kenya


Conflict Resolution, Inter-Church Committee, Inter-Clan Conflicts, Peacebuilding Strategies


This study examines the role of the Inter-Church Committee in addressing inter-clan conflicts in Rumbek East County, South Sudan, where conflicts persist despite significant church-led peace efforts. The specific objectives were to analyze the nature of these conflicts, evaluate the effectiveness of the Church’s peacebuilding strategies, and assess the challenges encountered in resolving these conflicts. The research was grounded in Protracted Social Conflict Theory and Galtung’s “A Mini Theory of Peace.” Employing a descriptive research design, the study focused on church members, clergy, community leaders, elders, and opinion leaders in the crisis-affected areas of Cuei Kok and Malengakok. A sample of 358 respondents was selected through stratified and purposive sampling. Data collection involved questionnaires and interviews.  The study adopted a mixed-methods approach, analyzing quantitative data using descriptive statistics, while qualitative data underwent thematic analysis to identify key patterns and insights. Key findings reveal that inter-communal conflicts are driven by historical grievances, socio-economic issues like cattle raiding and resource disputes, and entrenched gender inequalities. The Church’s peacebuilding strategies, including peace meetings, forgiveness preaching, and mediation by local leaders, have been effective but face challenges such as financial constraints, community divisions, and inadequate government support. The study concludes that these conflicts are rooted in deep-seated historical and socio-economic factors, disproportionately impacting vulnerable groups. It highlights the potential of religious actors in peacebuilding while acknowledging the challenges they face. Recommendations include enhancing conflict resolution capacities, addressing root causes, securing sustainable funding, fostering inclusive community engagement, and implementing robust monitoring mechanisms. The study underscores the importance of integrating religious teachings with practical interventions to effectively mitigate conflicts and promote enduring peace in Rumbek East County.


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How to Cite

Yel Nhial, A., Wamũyũ Wachira, T., & Odek, A. (2025). Inter-Church Committee’s Role in Resolving Inter-Clan Conflicts in Rumbek East County, Lake State, South Sudan. African Journal of Empirical Research, 6(1), 264–280.