Socioeconomic Factors Affecting Young Widows' Participation in Small-Scale Farming Activities in Mbeere South, Kenya


  • Alexander Njue St. Paul's University, Kenya
  • Dr. Antony Odek St. Paul's University, Kenya


Cultural Practices, Education, Participation, Small Scale Farming, Young Widows


This study investigates the socioeconomic factors influencing young widows' participation in small-scale farming activities in Mbeere South, Kenya, using a qualitative research design. The paper explores the role of cultural, economic, and gender-related factors in shaping widows' involvement in agriculture, guided by frameworks such as the Gender and Development (GAD) Theory, Social Movement Theory (SMT), and Participation Theory. Document analysis was the primary method for data collection, drawing on academic studies, government reports, and NGO documents. The data were analyzed qualitatively through systematic coding and categorization to identify key themes related to widows' challenges and opportunities in farming. The sampling process was purposive, selecting documents that provided relevant insights into the socio-economic dynamics affecting widows. Sources included government agencies, NGOs working with widows, and academic studies focused on rural development and widow empowerment. The findings show that cultural barriers, such as patriarchal gender roles, inheritance laws, and social stigma, significantly hinder widows' involvement in farming. However, education plays a crucial role in empowering widows; those with higher education are more likely to adopt modern farming techniques, access financial resources, and engage in community initiatives. The study concludes that both cultural practices and education levels are critical determinants of young widows' participation in small-scale farming. The study recommends enhancing educational opportunities, expanding agricultural extension services, and implementing legal reforms to secure land rights and reduce cultural stigma, thereby improving widows' economic security and boosting their participation in farming.


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How to Cite

Njue, A., & Odek, A. (2025). Socioeconomic Factors Affecting Young Widows’ Participation in Small-Scale Farming Activities in Mbeere South, Kenya. African Journal of Empirical Research, 6(1), 78–87.

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