Effect of Career Development on Talent Engagement in Selected Private Technical and Vocational Education Training Institutions in Kenya




Employee Value Proposition, Career Development, Organizational Culture, Private Technical, Talent Engagement, Vocational Education Training Institutions


Deloitte found that 68 percent of Kenya's private tertiary institutions suffer from poor talent engagement, which is reflected in a high rate of talent turnover and reduces their ability to compete. The employee value proposition such as career development may be affected by the different organizational cultures of private and governmental entities in Kenya. Greater adaptability, creativity, and performance-driven behaviors in private contexts are just a few ways this cultural difference might show itself. The purpose of this research was to examine the relationship between technical and vocational education training institutions' (TVET) employee value proposition and talent engagement, as well as the impact of career development on talent engagement and the moderating role of organizational culture in this relationship. Expectancy theory guided this study. A causal research design was used in the study. In all, 347 private TVET from the counties of Nairobi, Machakos, Kiambu, and Kajiado participated in the survey. According to data compiled by the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority, out of 716 private TVETs in the nation, 48.5% are located in the Nairobi Metropolitan.   A total of 186 participants were chosen for the research using stratified random selection. The information was gathered by means of semi-structured surveys. The study used content validity and construct validity to check for validity. The reliability was tested using Cronbach's Alpha coefficient. Statistical methods, both descriptive and inferential, were used to analyze the data. Frequencies, means, and standard deviations were all part of the descriptive statistics. Statistical methods for drawing conclusions include basic linear and hierarchical regression analysis. The content analysis was used to examine the qualitative data gathered from the open-ended statements. The results were then presented using narrations in a continuous prose manner, utilizing the same words that the respondents had spoken or typed. Graphs, charts, and tables were used to display the quantitative data. The findings showed that career development explains 46.3% of the variance in talent engagement in private TVET, with a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.463 and a p-value of 0.000.  Career development's interaction with organizational culture increased the R-squared value from 0.463 to 0.642, suggesting that culture accounts for 17.9% of the extra variance in talent engagement. The study concluded that organizational culture has significant moderating effect on the relationship between career development and talent engagement of private TVET. The study recommended that management of TVET should initiate regular skills assessments to identify the evolving needs of employees and the institution. By understanding the skills landscape, TVET institutions can tailor career development programs to address skill gaps, ensuring that employees receive relevant training and opportunities for growth. Management of TVET should integrate organizational culture and career development initiatives to maximize their impact on talent engagement. This may involve aligning career development programs with the values and goals of the organization, and leveraging the positive aspects of the organizational culture to enhance employee engagement.


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How to Cite

Gitonga, C. K., Egessa, R., & Tibbs, C. (2024). Effect of Career Development on Talent Engagement in Selected Private Technical and Vocational Education Training Institutions in Kenya. African Journal of Empirical Research, 5(4), 1252–1265. https://doi.org/10.51867/ajernet.5.4.103