Influence of Tiktok Use on Road Safety Campaigns: A case of the Rwanda Police’s Gerayo Amahoro in Kicukiro District



Effectiveness on TikTok Use, Interactivity on TikTok Use, Road Safety Awareness Campaign, Social Media, TikTok


Road safety relates to strategies adopted to decrease risks associated with road traffic wounds and loss. In this vein, Rwanda National Police adopted “Gerayo Amahoro’ road safety mobilization to stimulate behavior change. For a successful campaign, National Police used various strategies including TikTok as a new and innovative social media that reaches many people in all categories. The research aimed to examnine effect of TikTok use on road safety campaigns: a case study of the Rwanda Police’s ‘Gerayo Amahoro’ in Kicukiro District. The specific objectives were to determine effect of interactivity in TikTok use on ‘Gerayo Amahoro’ Road safety Campaigns in Kicukiro District, City of Kigali, Rwanda, effectiveness of TikTok use on ‘Gerayo Amahoro’ Road safety Campaigns in Kicukiro District, City of Kigali, Rwanda, and compatibility in TikTok use on ‘effectiveness of TikTok use on ‘Gerayo Amahoro’ Road safety Campaigns in Kicukiro District, City of Kigali, Rwanda. This study was guided by gratification framework, theory of panned behavior and health belief model as relevant theories. The researcher adopted descriptive and correlation study design with a mixed approach (qualitative and quantitative). The study targeted 4,502 Rwandan TikTok users from which a representative group of 368 Rwandan TikTok users calculated using Yamane formula. The study collected data using a questionnaire to collect quantitative data from TikTok users and interview guide was used to obtain qualitative information from interviews held with key informants. The researcher analyzed quantitative data using descriptive statistics regarding frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation while inferential statistic supported to generate correlation and regression results. Qualitative data was analyzed through content analysis through themes and subthemes. Results denoted that mean response for the Road safety campaigns is 4.30474 to accept. The study shows that TikTok reduced road accidents, driver’s habits to drinks and higher speed for vehicles and other transport. Findings demonstrated the association between interactivity in TikTok use and road safety campaigns at 0.820 the p-value was 0.000 for 2-tailed.  Results evidenced that interactivity in TikTok Use is associated with the performance of road safety campaigns. Results show that 83.6% show agreement with TikTok was compatible with my video sharing actions. This study concludes that compatibility in TikTok use strongly affect performance of road safety campaigns. This study recommends that driver should maintain a proper distance to avoid the collision in the event of a sudden stopping of the vehicle Drivers should take the necessary safety procedures. Governments must ensure that laws related to speeding, drunk driving, seat belt usage, and mobile phone use while driving are strictly enforced.  Future scholars should undertake surveys improving the effectiveness of road safety campaigns.


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How to Cite

Shaba, E., Ong’ong’a, D. O., & Irungu, F. (2024). Influence of Tiktok Use on Road Safety Campaigns: A case of the Rwanda Police’s Gerayo Amahoro in Kicukiro District. African Journal of Empirical Research, 5(4), 1208–1219.

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