Effect of Credit Risk Management Techniques on Financial Performance of Deposit Taking SACCOs in Kenya




Credit Risk Management, Deposit-Taking Saccos, Financial Performance, Financial Risk Management


Financial performance is crucial in the realm of finance. The requirement to explain why two organizations operating in the same environment perform differently is a puzzle, and various financial research works have been devoted to solving this puzzle. Co-operative societies in Kenya are recognized as a significant contributor to national development since their presence can be traced in virtually all sectors of the economy. Although significant progress has been made by the deposit taking SACCOs in Kenya, their performance and sustainability has been debatable. The objective of this research was to assess the effect of financial risk management techniques on financial performance of deposit taking SACCOs in Kenya. The specific objective was to determine the effect of credit risk management techniques on financial performance of deposit taking SACCOs in Kenya. The study was based on Credit Risk Theory. A descriptive survey design was adopted. The population of the study was the 175-deposit-taking SACCOs in Kenya as of 31st December 2022. Due to relative population nature, sampling was not conducted and therefore the study was a census. The respondent was the risk manager of each deposit-taking SACCO. The study utilized primary data. The data was collected using a structured questionnaire. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as the mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics which included correlation and regression analysis. Reliability tests were conducted on the variables each meeting the 0.7reliability threshold with validity tests being confirmed by the Bartlett’s test that confirmed validity of the variables being measured. The regression analysis revealed significant insights into the relationship between financial risk management techniques and the financial performance of deposit-taking SACCOs in Kenya. Credit risk management techniques were found to have a positive impact on financial performance with a regression coefficient of β = 0.238 and a significant value of P <0.005. In conclusion, the study provides compelling evidence of the importance of comprehensive risk management frameworks in driving the financial performance of deposit-taking SACCOs in Kenya. By implementing effective risk management practices tailored to address credit risk, SACCOs can enhance their stability, profitability, and resilience in a dynamic operating environment. These findings have significant implications for policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders in the SACCO sector, highlighting the need to prioritize investments in risk management capabilities to promote sustainable financial growth. The study recommended that SACCOs should focus on enhancing their credit risk management frameworks. This can be achieved by implementing robust credit risk assessment mechanisms, such as comprehensive credit scoring models and regular analysis of customer credit histories.


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How to Cite

Etenyi, P. H., Nelima, M., & Maingi, M. (2024). Effect of Credit Risk Management Techniques on Financial Performance of Deposit Taking SACCOs in Kenya. African Journal of Empirical Research, 5(4), 317–331. https://doi.org/10.51867/ajernet.5.4.25

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