Developing University Students’ English Speaking Skills: Assessing Hindrances in the Educational Environment of Higher Learning Institutions in Rwanda



Educational Environment, Hindrances, Speaking Development, Undergraduates


The study explored the hindrances associated with the educational environment of undergraduates' English-speaking development at one higher learning institution in Rwanda. This study selected the University of Technology and Arts of Byumba (UTAB). It aims to identify specific barriers in the educational environment that inhibit speaking skill development and to propose actionable recommendations. This study adopted a parallel mixed research approach. The sample consisted of 197 students drawn from a population of 850 undergraduate students in Level One across three faculties at UTAB, enrolled in the 2022-2023 academic year. Data were collected using questionnaires and classroom observations and analyzed using descriptive statistical tables and texts. The outcomes of this research revealed inefficient access to language resources, inappropriate teaching methods, and limited interactive speaking opportunities, all of which significantly hinder undergraduates’ speaking development. By highlighting these gaps, the researchers proposed teacher training programs, enhanced language resources, and increased opportunities for students to practice speaking in authentic contexts as potential interventions. Recommendations to policymakers and educators included providing a more supportive learning environment that promotes speaking skills development through an interactive learning atmosphere, which is a key factor in undergraduates' speaking development. The implications of this study extend beyond UTAB, offering insights for other higher education institutions facing similar challenges in English language education.


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How to Cite

Nsengiyaremye, C., & Ngabonziza, J. de D. A. (2024). Developing University Students’ English Speaking Skills: Assessing Hindrances in the Educational Environment of Higher Learning Institutions in Rwanda. African Journal of Empirical Research, 5(4), 1344–1350.

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