Exploring the Influence of Head Teachers’ Instructional Supervision on the Development of Competencies in Lesson Preparation for Science and Elementary Technology Teachers in Public Primary Schools in Gasabo District, Rwanda




Classroom Observation, Constructive Feedback, Lesson Preparation, Post-Observation, Pre-Observation, Teachers’ Competences


This study investigates the influence of head teachers' instructional supervision on the competences of science and elementary technology teachers in public primary schools in Gasabo District, Rwanda. Effective instructional supervision is crucial for developing teachers' abilities in lesson preparation, which is vital for improving student learning outcomes. The theoretical framework is grounded in the Teacher Professional Growth theory. Using qualitative design, the study surveyed a population of teachers and head teachers from 40 public primary schools in Gasabo district, whereby 132 people including both teachers and head teachers were targeted. Purposive sampling techniques were utilized, resulting in a sample of 5 head teachers and 24 teachers who were selected by the mean of snowball sampling technique. Data collection involved qualitative methods, including interviews and document review, with thematic analysis applied to analyze research data. The findings reveal that head teachers often neglect pre-observation conferences and fail to provide constructive feedback after classroom observations. This lack of comprehensive supervision hinders teachers' professional development and their ability to effectively prepare lessons. The study shows a clear link between the involvement of head teachers in instructional supervision and the improvement of teachers' competences in lesson planning. The study concluded that low levels of head teachers' involvement in instructional supervision practices had a direct negative influence on the development of competences in lesson planning among science and elementary technology teachers, which in return affected their ability to effectively plan and implement their lessons. To address these issues, the study recommends that head teachers conduct regular pre-observation conferences and offer meaningful feedback to teachers. Additionally, it suggests that Sector Education Inspectors should frequently inspect schools to ensure proper implementation of instructional supervision practices. Furthermore, continuous professional development for head teachers is advised to enhance their supervisory skills. The research highlights the importance of effective instructional supervision in fostering teachers' professional growth and improving educational outcomes. By implementing the recommended practices, schools in Gasabo District can better support their teachers, ultimately benefiting students' learning experiences.

Author Biography

Dr. Dan Imaniriho , University of Rwanda-College of Education



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How to Cite

Nsengumuremyi, E., & Imaniriho, D. (2025). Exploring the Influence of Head Teachers’ Instructional Supervision on the Development of Competencies in Lesson Preparation for Science and Elementary Technology Teachers in Public Primary Schools in Gasabo District, Rwanda. African Journal of Empirical Research, 6(1), 213–224. https://doi.org/10.51867/ajernet.6.1.20