The Politics of ‘Eating’ and Conflicts: Manifestation of Negative Ethnicity as a Consequence of Horizontal Inequalities in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya



Conflicts, Ethnic Patronage, Horizontal Inequality, Negative Ethnicity, Patronage


Horizontal inequalities, such as political exclusion, are likely to motivate ethnic group leaders to instigate conflicts. Ethnic nationalism becomes a key motivation for ethnic groups to mobilise based on their shared primordial identities. Uasin Gishu County has been the epicentre of ethnic conflicts due to horizontal inequalities perpetuated by political decisions that have proved impactful on ethnic relations in the county. Past conflicts in the county have been attributed to land disputes, political competition, and access to economic resources. This study thus puts into perspective how these factors associated with horizontal inequalities have exacerbated conflicts in the county. The study was anchored on the relative deprivation theory. This study adopted descriptive research design and historical research design. The study targeted the following categories of study population in Uasin Gishu County: Household heads, County Commissioner, County Secretary, Constituency Development Fund (CDF) Officials, local administration (Chiefs), religious leaders, civil society organisations, Members of County Assembly (MCAs), security personnel (senior police officers), and opinion leaders. Hence, the total number of household heads is 60,318. The researcher, therefore, determined the sample size for the nine wards using Fisher’s formula which states that for a target population greater than 10,000, the desired sample size can be determined using Fisher’s formula for sample size determination. Primary data was collected through questionnaires, interviews, and FGDs. Quantitative data was analysed using SPSS version 25 software to obtain descriptive statistics, particularly frequencies and percentages. Additionally, Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient Analysis was used to generate 2-tail bivariate Pearson’s correlation tables from the SPSS data set. Qualitative data was analysed using thematic techniques to support quantitative data. Quantitative data was presented using a table; qualitative data was presented in the form of narrative reports and verbatim quotations. Based on the findings, the study concludes that political horizontal inequalities that manifest through political exclusion, patrimonialism, and discrimination occasioned by ethnic patronage have been a major factor in intractable ethnic conflicts in the county. The study recommends transparency and inclusivity in political processes to reduce the manipulation of ethnic identities for political gains.


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How to Cite

Juma, J. O., Matanga, F., & Iteyo, C. (2024). The Politics of ‘Eating’ and Conflicts: Manifestation of Negative Ethnicity as a Consequence of Horizontal Inequalities in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. African Journal of Empirical Research, 5(3), 417–433.