A Descriptive Analysis of Electronic Waste Management among Electronic Repair Vendors in Mwanza City, Tanzania




Electronic Waste, Management, Repair Vendors


Electronic waste (e-waste) is a rapidly growing global problem, with Africa generating 2.9 million metric tons of e-waste in 2019. In Tanzania, Mwanza faces a significant amount of e-waste and poor management of e-waste collection and disposal. This study conducted a descriptive analysis of e-waste management practices among electronic repair vendors in Mwanza City, Tanzania. The objective was to describe their current e-waste management practices, identify challenges, and highlight areas for improvement. The lack of awareness and inadequate practices among electronic repair vendors hinder effective e-waste management, contributing to the environmental and health risks associated with the improper disposal of hazardous materials. A literature review revealed the importance of stakeholder engagement, improved awareness, and sustainable e-waste management practices in various African countries. This study employed a descriptive research design, utilizing both quantitative and qualitative methods. Data will be collected through questionnaires, interviews, and observations targeting a sample of electronic repair vendors in Mwanza City. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics and thematic analysis. The findings indicate that using e-waste as a spare part of other products and selling non-repairable e-waste to third parties are current e-waste management practices. Moreover, e-repair vendors have been found to contribute to e-waste management, particularly repair, collection, and storage. Based on these findings, the study recommends that an e-waste awareness campaign be instituted in the e-repair industry, that e-waste management be undertaken sustainably to combat unnecessary disposal, and that the deposition of e-waste and e-waste collection equipment(s) be provided to e-repair vendors for proper e-waste collection and management. Also, there is a need to conduct further studies to assess strategies used by local authorities to support e-repair vendors in e-waste management.


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How to Cite

Patali, M. A., Ngereza, C. G., & Mfinanga, F. A. (2024). A Descriptive Analysis of Electronic Waste Management among Electronic Repair Vendors in Mwanza City, Tanzania. African Journal of Empirical Research, 5(3), 315–324. https://doi.org/10.51867/ajernet.5.3.29