Effect of Teaching Strategies on Academic Performance of Learners with Special Needs in All Public Primary Schools in Emuhaya Sub-County, Vihiga County, Kenya




Academic Performance, Classroom Organization, Discussion Engagement, Instructional Methods, Supplementary Notes Provision


Learners having special needs encounter diverse trials in their schooling, which considerably manipulate their approach, and wide-ranging contribution in educational set of courses. The purpose of this research study was to the effect of teaching strategies on academic performance of learners with special needs in all public primary school in Emuhaya Sub-County, Vihiga County, Kenya. This study embraced Albert Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory, which underscores on the substance of self-assurance as an important constituent within an individual’s character. It as well emphasizes that schooling programs can be planned to offer appropriate knowledge for all learners building on their exceptional wants. The study utilized a descriptive survey design. The target population included 159 head teachers of public primary schools, 798 teachers, and 1,003 learners with special needs, totaling 1,960 individuals. Krejcie and Morgan's table was employed to get a sample size of 322 respondents who were selected using stratified and Simple random sampling techniques. The study utilized interview schedules for head teachers, questionnaires for teachers and learners as well as observation checklists for data collection. Quantitative data was analyzed by means of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) while qualitative data was analyzed thematically from the interview schedules and observation checklists and was stated in narrative forms. Quantitative data was presented in form of frequency tables, percentages, bar graphs and pie charts. The study established that teaching strategies positively and significantly influenced academic performance of learners with special needs in public primary schools. The study recommended that school teachers should modify their instruction approaches and come up with a policy that learners with disabilities are able to gain access to government scholarships.


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How to Cite

Mutsoli, S. A., & Kikechi, R. W. (2024). Effect of Teaching Strategies on Academic Performance of Learners with Special Needs in All Public Primary Schools in Emuhaya Sub-County, Vihiga County, Kenya. African Journal of Empirical Research, 5(3), 183–189. https://doi.org/10.51867/ajernet.5.3.18