ICT Integration in Teaching and Learning Mathematics for Secondary Schools: Case of TTC Gacuba II, Rwanda



  • Viateur Irakarama Rwanda Polytechnic, Karongi College, General Courses Department, Rwanda https://orcid.org/0009-0008-9444-9154
  • Alphonse Nteziyaremye Rwanda Polytechnic, Karongi College, General Courses Department, Rwanda https://orcid.org/0009-0008-3081-7982
  • Jean Pierre Rukeribuga Kuradusenge Teacher Training College Gacuba II, Rwanda
  • Vincent Bucyedusenge Rwanda Polytechnic, Karongi College, General Courses Department, Rwanda
  • Jean Claude Uwimana Rwanda Polytechnic, Karongi College, General Courses Department, Rwanda
  • Daniel Ndacyayisaba Rwanda Polytechnic, Karongi College, General Courses Department, Rwanda


ICT, ICT Integration in Education, Secondary Schools, Teaching and Learning Mathematics


ICT tools enhance the motivation and engagement of learners, and they can promote the shift to a learner-centered environment. As Mathematics is a key school subject, it is crucial to understand how ICT can be leveraged to enhance students' learning outcomes. This research aimed to identify the ICT tools and tools that math teachers utilize frequently, to find out the attitude of Mathematics tutors towards the use of ICT, and propose ICT tools to be used for improving Mathematics teaching and learning. The study was guided by both constructivism and Diffusion of Innovations (DOI) theories.  The research is descriptive by nature as both qualitative and quantitative research methods were used in data collection and analysis. The target population of the study was 462 individuals of which 86 participants including 82 students, 3 tutors, and 1 IT manager were selected by both random and purposive sampling techniques. Questionnaires, interview guides, and observation checklists were used as tools to collect the needed data. Major findings are that ICT tools highly engage teachers and learners in different learning activities; ICT provides opportunities for students to interact with mathematical concepts and search for new things. Some new ICT tools, software and applications, were suggested to be used by students, teachers, and secondary schools. Lastly, this study recommends Mathematics teachers to integrate ICT into education to influence Mathematics performance as another alternative that would be used to resort to the traditional method of teaching and learning process while the school must organize continuous professional development activities related to the use of ICT tools for improving the teaching and learning process, as well as promoting the culture of using online classes like Google Classrooms to strengthen the applications that have been acknowledged and to update the acquired skills.


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How to Cite

Irakarama, V., Nteziyaremye, A., Kuradusenge, J. P. R., Bucyedusenge, V., Uwimana, J. C., & Ndacyayisaba, D. (2024). ICT Integration in Teaching and Learning Mathematics for Secondary Schools: Case of TTC Gacuba II, Rwanda. African Journal of Empirical Research, 5(3), 143–154. https://doi.org/10.51867/ajernet.5.3.14