Cultural Factors Affecting English Performance in Rwandan Public Higher Learning Institutions: A Case Study of Third-Year Students at the University of Rwanda



Cultural Factors, English performance, Public Higher Learning Institutions, Kinyarwanda


Research has shown that cultural factors may affect the learning of a second language. However, no such a study has been conducted in Rwanda to identify cultural factors that may affect the acquisition of English. The present research, therefore, was carried out to explore the effect that cultural factors exerted on the students’ performance in the English language. The study was guided by Vygosky’s socio-cultural theory according to which one’s culture is among factors influencing performance in a second/foreign language. The target population was third-year students from the University of Rwanda. Using a case study design, the study hinged on qualitative approach to conduct one-on-one semi-structured interviews with 109 respondents recruited through random procedure from a population of 1257 students.  For data analysis, the inductive approach was applied and emerging themes from students’ responses were grouped into typologies. Findings revealed that most respondents believed cultural factors were detrimental to the development of proficiency in English while few attested that these factors affected their English positively. The findings also allowed the researchers to make recommendations to policy makers and teachers for promoting students’ communication skills in English.


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How to Cite

Mugirase, G., Ndimurugero, S. N., Ndikumana, C., Akimana, J. C., Kereni, I., & Sesonga, J. B. (2025). Cultural Factors Affecting English Performance in Rwandan Public Higher Learning Institutions: A Case Study of Third-Year Students at the University of Rwanda. African Journal of Empirical Research, 6(1), 201–212.