Effect of Warehousing Management on Supply Chain Performance: A Case of Inyange Industries Ltd




Inventory Management, Material Handling, Performance, Supply Chain, Warehouse Capacity Planning, Warehousing


In local and globalized markets, warehouses are crucial supply chain nodes. This study aimed to investigate the effect of warehousing on supply chain performance: A case of Inyange Industries Ltd. The goals were to evaluate how inventory management, warehouse capacity building, and material handling affects supply chain performance in Inyange Industries Ltd. This research experimented with three different theories: Just-in-time, Lean, and Triple-A supply chain. The population of this study were 105 staff members of Inyange Industries Ltd. Therefore, census was conducted because the population size is affordable and the researcher can be able to contact all the respondents. Quantitative data were analyzed using inferential research methodology in this study. Questionnaires were used to gather primary  data, which was then analyzed. Data analysis was carried out using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), and descriptive and inferential statistics were used to show the study's results. According to the research, supply chain performance is positively and significantly affected by both automated and manual material handling. Mechanical material handling, on the other hand, improves supply chain performance, but not much. Inyange Industries' supply chain performance is influenced by the material handling systems to the tune of 19.3%, as shown by the modified R2 value of 0.193.  According to the research, supply chain performance is positively and significantly affected by inventory counts, warehouse management systems, and inventory organization. A 0.967 adjusted R^2 value suggests that 96.7% of the variation in Inyange Industries' supply chain performance is explained by the inventory management techniques. According to the research, supply chain effectiveness is positively and significantly impacted by warehouse demand planning, design, and management. Warehouse capacity planning techniques at Inyange Industries account for 95.4% of the variation in supply chain performance, as shown by the modified R2 value of 0.954. The research concluded that material handling, inventory management, and warehouse capacity planning are all important warehouse management measures that significantly impact supply chain performance for the better. The methods used by Inyange Industries Ltd. for managing their warehouses have resulted in an improvement in supply chain performance of 87.2%.  The regression coefficients, supported by their t-test values and Beta coefficients, highlight both the significance and strength of relationships between independent and dependent variables. Material Handling demonstrated the greatest impact (β1=0.532, t=8.556, p=0.000), followed by Inventory Management (β2=0.379, t=6.147, p=0.000), and Warehouse Capacity Planning (β3=0.172, t=3.268, p=0.002), emphasizing their respective contributions to Supply Chain Performance of Inyange Industries Ltd.'s supply chain. This proved that material handling in warehouse management has a major influence on supply chain performance. Because the p-value was lower than 5%, we may say that the association is statistically significant. The research concluded that both automated and human material handling should get additional funding. To maximize efficiency in stock-taking as well. Previous studies have looked at a variety of organizational factors that affect performance of supply chains. To further understand how warehouse management strategies affect overall performance, more research is needed.


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How to Cite

Mwizerwa, G., & Akumuntu, J. (2024). Effect of Warehousing Management on Supply Chain Performance: A Case of Inyange Industries Ltd. African Journal of Empirical Research, 5(2), 358–370. https://doi.org/10.51867/ajernet.5.2.31