Examining the Quality of Learning Environment of Sandwich Programmes in Ghana: A Case of Institute of Education




Institute of Education, Quality Learning Environment, Sandwich


This paper reports on a study that examined the quality of the learning environment of sandwich programmes in Ghana. The study used a sequential explanatory mixed method design and focused on tutors and 400 students of the programme. The Total Quality Management Theory, Expectation Confirmation/Disconfirmation Theory, Context, Input, Process, and Product Evaluation Model underpined the study. A disproportional stratified selection method was used to select 1,000 students and 50 tutors from each of the four teaching centres. While a purposive sampling method was employed to select 12 students and eight tutors involved in sandwich programmes for follow-up interviews. The data were collected using a questionnaire and an interview guide. The quantitative data was analysed using means and standard deviation, while the qualitative data were subjected to thematic analysis. These findings revealed that the tutors show concern for the welfare of the students and offer chances for student-teacher contact. However, big class sizes limit how much faculty can customise the learning environment. Also, students were friendly, helpful, cooperative, and supported one another during activities. The study recommended that the management of the Institute of Education and centre coordinators make every effort to secure spacious classrooms to help reduce large class sizes and increase opportunities for student-teacher interactions, cohesiveness, and students' participation in the classroom. In addition, tutors should foster an atmosphere that invites student interaction and identify students' strengths and weaknesses.


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How to Cite

Opoku, E., Boakye, D. K., Dzirasah, C., & Opoku-Danso, A. (2024). Examining the Quality of Learning Environment of Sandwich Programmes in Ghana: A Case of Institute of Education. African Journal of Empirical Research, 5(2), 331–342. https://doi.org/10.51867/ajernet.5.2.29