Effect of Learner-Centered Approach Application on Learning Outcomes in Secondary School at Advanced Level: A Case of Rulindo District, Rwanda (2021-2023)




Active Learning, Cooperative Learning, Inductive Teaching, Learner-Centered Approach, Learning, Learning Outcomes


This study explores the effect of applying a learner-centered approach on learning outcomes in secondary schools at the advanced level in Rwanda. The aim of this research is to examine whether the implementation of a learner-centered approach leads to improved learning outcomes in Rwanda's secondary schools. This study used mixed-methods research involving quantitative and qualitative methods. The target population consisted of 141 individuals, including 87 teachers and other school leaders, located in 17 sectors of Rulindo District. The researcher employed cluster sampling for school selection. Questionnaires, interview guides, and documentation reviews were used to collect relevant data. Cronbach’s alpha was 0.892, which is above 0.7 in this study. This indicates that the scale has a high degree of internal consistency. The interpretation touched on means, standard deviation, and regression analysis, which are complementary to the results from the interview. The findings revealed that the application of a learner-centered approach has a significant effect on learning outcomes. This is obvious when we look at the beta and p-value for learner-centered approach application dimensions such as active learning, cooperative learning, and inductive teaching learning linked to the objectives of this study. The variables' p and β values are as follows: active learning (β=0.777, p value<0.05); cooperative learning (β=0.208, p value<0.05); and inductive teaching learning (β=0.037, p value˃0.05). To make the learner-centered approach very successful, Rwanda's government, stakeholders, school leaders, and parents should make more efforts to address issues related to the learner-centered approach application from which students come.


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How to Cite

Mbonimana, S., & Sikubwabo, C. (2024). Effect of Learner-Centered Approach Application on Learning Outcomes in Secondary School at Advanced Level: A Case of Rulindo District, Rwanda (2021-2023). African Journal of Empirical Research, 5(2), 250–266. https://doi.org/10.51867/ajernet.5.2.23

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