Prevalence and Sociodemographic Correlates of Psychotic and Mood Disorders among the Population in Bungoma County, Kenya



Bipolar, Bungoma, Mental Health Illness, Mood Disorder, Psychosis


Mental, neurological, and substance use disorders (MNS) pose a significant global health challenge, affecting a quarter of the world's population and contributing to a substantial portion of the global disease burden. Access to essential treatment remains challenging, particularly in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). This study focuses on the scarcity of mental health resources in Kenya, particularly in Bungoma County, where community-level perspectives are often overlooked. The research aims to bridge this gap by investigating the prevalence and sociodemographic correlates of psychosis and mood disorders in the region, aligning with the World Health Organization's call for holistic mental health services. The study was conducted in Bungoma County, Kenya, and employed a descriptive cross-sectional design. The study population was 1,670,570 as per the Kenya census 2019. The sampling strategies used were purposive, stratified and simple random sampling with a sample size of 762 respondents. A stratified random sampling method ensured representation from each sub-county, maintaining proportionality based on population size. The study utilized the MINI International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) for screening, a structured diagnostic psychiatric interview, and conducted structured interviews with trained research assistants. Statistical analyses, including descriptive, bivariate, and multivariate analyses were performed to determine prevalence and sociodemographic correlates. Among 762 respondents, 78.2% met the lifetime criteria for at least one of the four screened mental health conditions. Depression was the most prevalent (73.8%), followed by bipolar mood disorder (13.8%) and psychosis (1.8%). Sociodemographic factors significantly associated with these disorders included marital status, employment status, and income. Male persons were at a higher risk of experiencing psychosis and mood disorder (odds 1.37); the odds of youths having psychosis and mood disorder was higher (odds 1.42); low-income earners of less were 1.685 times likely to experience psychosis and mood disorder and people who lived alone were 1.641 times more likely to suffer psychosis and mood disorder. This study underscores the urgent need for targeted mental health interventions in Bungoma County, Kenya. It emphasizes the prevalence of mental health conditions and the sociodemographic factors influencing them. The findings highlight the importance of considering the local context in mental health interventions, aligning with global calls for holistic, community-driven mental health services.


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How to Cite

Kisiang’ani, I. B., Sumba, C., Rajah, M., & Kem, P. (2024). Prevalence and Sociodemographic Correlates of Psychotic and Mood Disorders among the Population in Bungoma County, Kenya. African Journal of Empirical Research, 5(1), 36–44.

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