Competence-Based Assessment Strategies Applied By Teachers in English Subject: Case of Selected Lower Secondary Schools in Rulindo District, Rwanda


  • Mr. Eustache Hagenimana University of Rwanda
  • Dr. Philothere Ntawiha University of Rwanda
  • Dr. Cyprien Tabaro University of Rwanda
  • Dr. Jean Leonard Buhigiro University of Rwanda


Assessment, Competence-Based, English, Strategy


Teaching and assessment are two intertwined aspects in learning, and teaching can’t be separated from assessment. Since the introduction of Competence-Based curriculum, Competence-Based Assessment standards were also elaborated to ensure effective assessment. At lower secondary school, English subject is one among other subjects that students undertake. The purpose of this research was to find out what Competence-Based Assessment strategies teachers apply while teaching English subject. The following two specific objectives guided this research: (i) to identify Competence-Based Assessment strategies used by teachers in English subject, and (ii) how teachers incorporate Bloom’s taxonomy levels of assessment in classroom. It was carried out in 9 selected schools in Rulindo district and comprises 17 teachers of English out of 31 who were selected based on the fact that they teach English in lower secondary school. It was qualitative in nature and used classroom observation and interview methods to gather information. Data was collected using a classroom observation checklist and an interview guide. Data was grouped into themes and analysed narratively. Findings revealed that teachers mostly apply clarifying questioning strategy during Competence –Based assessment. It was also realised that most of the assessment are limited to the lower levels of thinking and only few questions are set to assess higher levels of thinking. The study recommends that teachers should vary assessment strategies while assessing students and ensure all levels of thinking are assessed.


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How to Cite

Hagenimana, E., Ntawiha, P., Tabaro, C., & Buhigiro, J. L. (2023). Competence-Based Assessment Strategies Applied By Teachers in English Subject: Case of Selected Lower Secondary Schools in Rulindo District, Rwanda. African Journal of Empirical Research, 4(2), 1353–1360.

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