Computer Assisted Language Learning in English Teaching: Availability of Teaching and Learning Resources to Enhance Students’ Performance in English as Subject in Technical Secondary Schools, Nyanza District, Rwanda



English, ICT, Performance, Technical Secondary Schools, Nyanza


The implementation of appropriate methods in English language teaching holds a crucial role in improving students' academic performance. Despite English being a core subject and medium of instruction in Rwanda's educational system, in Technical Secondary Schools from southern province, poor performance in English subject has been observed in national examinations and school-level assessments. The objective of this research was to determine the level of availability of teaching and learning resources for the integration of the Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and its effect on students’ performance in English subject. Research was carried out in 8 Technical Secondary schools from Nyanza District in southern province. The study utilized a sample of eight Head teachers and employed the descriptive research design with a quantitative method. Data were collected using questionnaires in the form of a likert scale. To analyze the data descriptive and inferential analysis were used. Findings indicated that the existing teaching and learning resources to integrate CALL are insufficient to help students in learning English through CALL, thus performance enhanced. It is shown by the inferential analysis with a P value of 0.64 which is greater than 0.05 of the significant correlation. Therefore it implies the negative correlation. The research recommends that the Ministry of Education should avail sufficient computers and internet connection to Technical Secondary schools to enable the integration of CALL in English teaching therefore performance enhanced.


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How to Cite

Ndahayo, J., & Ndayambaje, I. (2024). Computer Assisted Language Learning in English Teaching: Availability of Teaching and Learning Resources to Enhance Students’ Performance in English as Subject in Technical Secondary Schools, Nyanza District, Rwanda. African Journal of Empirical Research, 5(1), 84–91.