A Model for Effective Management of Students Records in the Academic Registrars’ Offices in Kenyan Universities




Model for Effective Management, Students Records, Academic Registrars’ Offices, Kenyan Universities


The delivery of records management services in businesses is significantly influenced by records management models. However, many colleges don't take into account the implementation models while designing records management programs. In order to provide a model that universities can utilize to execute records management, this study examined the records management methods used by the universities in Kenya. Data was gathered via a questionnaire.  The findings shows that the best model that can be proposed to ensure effective management of student records in the academic registrar’s office in Kenyan universities should  take cognizance of the differences between public and private universities. In private and new universities, there is no need for standardization of storing records and creation and classification of records. Conversely, there was no need for creation and classification of records, storing records, use of information technology and challenges faced in the management of student records in old and new universities. The challenges faced in the management of student records and retrieval and communication of records should be harmonized between both private and public universities as well old and new universities. Exchange of best practices in these areas should also be undertaken in these areas. Once these areas are addressed, the effective management of students’ records in the universities would be realized.


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How to Cite

Metto, E., Kinuthia, B. N., & Mwita, M. (2022). A Model for Effective Management of Students Records in the Academic Registrars’ Offices in Kenyan Universities. African Journal of Empirical Research, 3(1), 78–89. https://doi.org/10.51867/ajernet3.1.7